Food retail from the perspective of the young generation Z

Kristína Korytinová


Retail is currently undergoing changes. The aim of the article is to create an analy-sis, the results of which will form the basis of the prepared research focusing on the location of brick-and-mortar store with food assortment in the hinterland of Bratisla-va. Specifically, it is a comparison of the preferences of the young generation Z in terms of brick-and-mortar store and online shopping. In this work, we apply the online query method, followed by quantitative research. The result will be a compari-son of the answers of young people. Respondents' preferences are in favor of brick-and-mortar food retailers. Replacing them with an online store is not optimal for the everyday life of citizens. The results can be used as a basis for future research.

Key words: retail, brick-and-mortar store, e-commerce, foodstuff

JEL Classification: M00


Received: 15.3.2021   Accepted: 28.6.2021

How to cite this (APA 7th edition):
Korytinová, K. (2021). Food Retail from the Perspective of the Young Generation Z. Studia commercialia Bratislavensia: vedecký časopis Obchodnej fakulty Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave, 14(4), 233-241.

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ISSN (online): 1339-3081
Publisher: Fakulty of Commerce, University of Economics in Bratislava

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