Prístupy k dizajnu a spôsoby merania vplyvu dizajnu na ekonomické výsledky firiem
Renáta Ševčíková
Despite the growing interest in design worldwide and its application in innovation, it is not entirely clear what benefits it brings to the company. Why should companies invest in design? The aim of the paper is to define different approaches and views on the concept of design, its impact on the economic results of companies and various approaches to its measurement based on an overview and analysis of domestic and foreign literature. Measuring the financial impact of a design is a complex and long-lasting discipline. It is difficult to obtain accurate data that demonstrates a direct cor-relation between design and increased product sales. The reasons that lead compa-nies to discover design potential have been related to the interest in gaining a com-petitive advantage - increasing revenues, sales and brand value.
Keywords: design, competitiveness, investment in design, design management
JEL Classification: M21, O31, M31
Received: 16.7.2020 Accepted: 20.9.2020 Published: 30.9.2020
How to cite this (APA 7th edition):
Ševčíková, R. (2020). Prístupy k dizajnu a spôsoby merania vplyvu dizajnu na ekonomické výsledky firiem: Approaches to the Design and Methods of Measuring the Impact of Design on the Economic Results of Companies. Studia commercialia Bratislavensia: vedecký časopis Obchodnej fakulty Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave, 13(3), 68-77.
ISSN (online): 1339-3081
Publisher: Fakulty of Commerce, University of Economics in Bratislava
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