Cirkulárna ekonomika z pohľadu teórie a praxe

Miroslav Jurkovič


Circular economy is a trend accompanied by a shift from the traditional linear „extract – produce – discard“ economic model to an economic model that is renewable. Along with the interest in the circular economy and its context, critical voices appear during its development, concerning a number of more or less different theoretical approachces. The circular economy brings new business opportunities. At present, the transition to a circular economy is not only a necessity, but gradually becoming a social and economic paradigm.

Keywords:  circular economy, circular business model, product

JEL Classification:  M21, M31

Received: 9.9.2020   Accepted: 14.9.2020   Published: 30.9.2020

How to cite this (APA 7th edition):
Jurkovič, M. (2020). Cirkulárna ekonomika z pohľadu teórie a praxe: Circular Econonomy from the Point of View of Theory and Practice. Studia commercialia Bratislavensia: vedecký časopis Obchodnej fakulty Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave, 13(3), 4-13.

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ISSN (online): 1339-3081
Publisher: Fakulty of Commerce, University of Economics in Bratislava

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