Zmeny zákona o ochrane spotrebiteľa v súvislosti s pandémiou koronavírusu a ďalšie zmeny týkajúce sa problematiky spotrebiteľského práva
Lenka Vačoková
The paper focuses on the last changes in the Act No. 250/2007 Coll. on Consumer Protection and amendments to Act of the Slovak National Council No. 372/1990 Coll. on Offences, as amended related to the spread of the pandemic COVID-19 and on the legislation of sale events according to Act No. 102/2014 Coll. on consumer pro-tection in relation to sales of goods or provision of services based on distance and off-premises contracts and amending certain laws. The result of the examined re-search is the solution of consumer law de lege ferenda, adopting the new consumer protection act.
Keywords: consumer protection act, not handling the complaint within the period of the 30 days, sale event
JEL Classification: K 39
Received: 18.11.2020 Accepted: 2.12.2020 Published: 31.12.2020
How to cite this (APA 7th edition):
Vačoková, L. (2020). Zmeny zákona o ochrane spotrebiteľa v súvislosti s pandémiou koronavírusu a ďalšie zmeny týkajúce sa problematiky spotrebiteľského práva: Changes in the Act on Consumer Protection Related to the Pandemic of Coronavirus and Other Changes Regarding Consumer Law. Studia commercialia Bratislavensia: vedecký časopis Obchodnej fakulty Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave, 13(4), 372-379..
ISSN (online): 1339-3081
Publisher: Fakulty of Commerce, University of Economics in Bratislava
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